๐ŸšทIdentification and Access Control

The smooth and safe operation of the system heavily rely on users' access control and routing control of the write commands. In other words, for the calling commands which can change the world states ("write commands"), it is vital to review and verify the identity and authority of the message sender (i.e. the calling account that send out the commands), and at the same time, the smart contract that received the write commands also needs to strictly control their further routing path, i.e. the target contract's address as well as its API to be further called. In brief, by strict controlling the write commands' routing path from two directions of "receivingโ€ and โ€œsending", the information of the whole system can be updated as per the predefined commercial and legal logic.

The write commands in the system can be divided into three categories:

  1. System Configuration: refers to the contracts drafting and system configuration actions triggered by external accounts, which will NOT lead to legal consequences;

  2. Legal Behavior: refers to the share transaction and corporate governance activities triggered by external accounts, which WILL directly lead to legal consequences; and

  3. Algorithmic Control: refers to the write commands sent by Bookkeeper, upon receiving the previous two types of write commands, in accordance with the predefined algorithms of system, in an orderly manner and be able to change the states of other smart contracts like Registers, Shareholders Agreement, or Investment Agreement.

For the above write commands, the system adopts three verification methods as per their different nature of behaviors and scopes of influence.

๐Ÿšฆ Access Control Mechanism on smart contracts' level

For System Configuration and Algorithmic Control, these two types of write commands do not dispose any book-entry interests of the system, and usually only take effects within the scope of the company, therefore, belongs to the category of technique activities like system configuration, algorithmic control, and operation maintenance. Therefore, ComBoox adopts special smart contracts of Ownership and AccessControl, which are inheritable and with component attributes, to verify identity of message sender by means of checking their address at the level of each smart contract.

Ownership is a reusable, inheritable, component-based smart contract, which specialized in defining address accounts of โ€œOwnerโ€ and โ€œReg Centerโ€. Clone contracts created through Reg Center are sub-contracts of the Ownership contract. The address of Reg Center cannot be changed once it is set, while the Owner can transfer his/her role to other accounts.

AccessControl is a reusable, inheritable, component-based smart contract, which specialized in defining roles grouping and their verification algorithms on the level of smart contract. Each and every smart contracts of the system are all sub-contracts of AccessControl, so they all can use the methods and attributes inherited from AccessControl to define roles with different write authority and to verify them accordingly.

AccessControl defines two special roles, "General Keeper" and "Direct Keeper", as well as a pre-defined role group ---- Attorneys (the admin of which is called as "General Counsel").

  1. Owner

Owner can be initially appointed by the deployer of the contract concerned, and, from the perspectives of commercial and legal, Owner usually maps the role of "shareholder" of a company who has the rights to create, propose, review, and approve by voting of the legal documents like contracts, bylaws as well as motions of the General Meeting.

Owners can transfer their role to other accounts, and will lose their role as Owner thereafter.

Direct Keeper is the special role that cannot be influenced by Owner, which ensures its relative independence with respect to the roles appointment and control rights assignment, so as to check and balance the power of Owner from the perspective of system maintenance or duties independence.

  1. Direct Keeper

Direct Keeper can be initially set by the account deploying of the smart contract, which has special authority to configure system, mapping the role of "Company Secretary" or โ€œAccountantsโ€ from the commercial and legal view, the authority design of which reflects the characteristics of โ€œCompany Secretaryโ€ or โ€œAccountantsโ€ who are relatively independent from shareholders and senior executives in system maintenance and assuming independent responsibilities.

Direct Keeper can transfer its role to other accounts, and will lose the role of Direct Keeper thereafter.

All write APIs of SubKeepers are set as only accessible for their Direct Keepers, and after their deployment, General Keeper will be set as the only Direct Keeper of all the SubKeepers. In this way, all the write authorities will be collectively authorized to General Keeper, thus excluding any external accounts or external contracts out of the system interfering with the company's governance activities, and ensuring that the company's book-entry records can operate securely and automatically, without any human interference involved.

The "Direct Keeper" of General Keeper has the following special authorities:

  1. Set and update the registration address for each SubKeeper and Register;

  2. Appoint or remove the "Direct Keeper" for each of the SubKeeper and Register;

  3. Input off-chain "oracle" data (e.g. financial data such as revenue, net profit, etc.) into the system as trigger conditions for exercising certain shareholders rights; and

  4. Set up hash lock for pay-in capital, so as for new share subscribers can automatically obtain their Certificates of Contribution upon paying their capital contribution.

Therefore, the characters of its authority are quite similar to "Company Secretary" or "Chief Accountant".

If Direct Keeper of General Keeper transfers its role to "zero address", then it means the possibility of human interference with the company's book-entry system is completely abandoned, and the system will automatically operate by smart contracts. As a cost, such auto-running system cannot be upgraded with new contract templates, neither can use off-chain data as trigger conditions for special rights (like call option or put option) any more.

  1. General Counsel and Attorneys

General Counsel is the admin of the roles group of Attorneys and has authorities to grant Attorney role to any account addresses.

Attorneys can quit their role of Attorney by calling the "RenouceRole" API, and General Counsel can call the "AbandonRole" API to fire all Attorneys at once.

For two types of smart contracts, ShareholdersAgreement and InvestmentAgreement, only Attorney can call their write APIs to "draft" the contents of the contracts (such as rules and terms of ShareholdersAgreement), or the deal's elements for trading shares (such as the subject share, price, amount), as well as the procedural conditions concerned (such as the contractual parties, signing deadline, and closing deadline).

Therefore, after creating a draft of ShareholdersAgreement or InvestmentAgreement, the creator as the "Owner" needs to appoint a "General Counsel" (which can further appoint one or more attorneys) to the contract, who will be responsible for drafting rest of the contents thereof accordingly. After drafting, Owner can review and confirm the contract contents and then calls "LockContents" API thereof to fire all attorneys at once and transfers the role of Owner to "zero address", so that the contents can no longer be altered manually.

It should be emphasised that if Owner does not transfer its role to "zero address", Owner still can modify the contract by reappointing other address as "General Counsel" or "Attorneys".

๐Ÿš Commands Routing Mechanism within a company

A Register usually allows several SubKeepers to call its write APIs, therefore, it is not economic to rely on AccessControl solution to control write authorities among different roles for each of the contracts. Therefore, ComBoox sets up two registration mappings of address in GeneralKeeper to satisfy the routing requirements for Algorithmic Control commands among the book-entry Registers of a company.

There are two special registration mappings of address in the General Keeper, which are used to track and record the addresses of "SubKeepers" and "Registers", and adopt a structure of "sequence number => address" so as to ensure a timely search of the corresponding address as per the sequence number concerned.

When deploying the system, the contract addresses of each SubKeeper and Register will be input into the registration mappings accordingly, thereafter, in runtime, the relevant write API of Register will, before processing the write command received, firstly call General Keeper to query and verify whether the message senderโ€™s address equals to the address of the specific contract registered in the mappings, so as to complete the identity verification for the Algorithmic Control Commands.

For example, the share transfer API of Register of Shares will be called by ROA Keeper when closing a share transfer transaction, and will also be called by SHA Keeper when implementing an Anti-Dilution right. Therefore, Register of Shares cannot rely on the unique role of โ€œDirect Keeperโ€ defined by Access Control to control its write permission, instead, it will query the address mapping of General Keeper to check and verify message senderโ€™s identity, i.e. as long as the account address of the caller can match any one of the two contracts mentioned above, the verification will be passed.

๐Ÿ›๏ธ Users Identification Mechanism for entire system

Legal Behavior commands directly dispose book-entry interests, have material commercial and legal consequences, and may also establish relationships with other companies registered in ComBoox. Therefore, the system designs a special smart contract of Reg Center and a series of methods thereof on users' identification, so as to verify the identities of users in the entire system.

โ€œUsersโ€ in the platform of ComBoox:

(1) can be shareholders, directors, managers within the Company, or the creditors, delegates, or agents outside of the Company;

(2) can establish a contractual relationship with one company, or establish legal relationships with multiple companies simultaneously;

(3) can be a natural person who controls on-chain behaviors through an external account, or a legal person who exercises its corporate legal rights through a contract account.

Therefore, ComBoox introduced a special smart contract Reg Center to manage all the digital identities of the users.

ComBoox only takes the account address as the sole label to identify a user, and does not touch the name, nationality, residence or any other social characters of a natural person or a legal person. Therefore, strictly speaking, it is only the "digital identity" that the system actually manages or verifies.

This "de-identified" identity management model is determined by the technical characteristics of the public blockchain on the one hand, and it is also conducive to protecting users' privacy information on the other.

Nevertheless, almost all countries have real-name requirements like KYC or anti-money laundering for commercial activities such as investment, financing, lending, payment, and foreign exchange etc. So please consult with legal experts of the relevant jurisdictions to seek professional advice on securities laws, anti-money laundering laws and other relevant legal issues so as to ensure all the arrangements and activities can be designed and carried out in a legal way.

With the concept of distributed digital identity, Reg Center uses a special user number mapping to register and manage users' identities, and at the same time, it also provides a query API for all smart contracts of the system to query and verify the users' identity in runtime.

1. User Number Mapping

User Number Mapping takes a structure as "address => uint(40)", which can be queried via a special API for the corresponding user number with a specific account address.

When users exercise their rights, General Keeper of the relevant company will call the query API of Reg Center to get the user number of the message sender, and then pass the returned value to the specific Sub-Keeper, which will further verify the userโ€™s identity and permissions according to the records of specific Register.

For example, when shareholders exercise voting rights, General Keeper of the company will firstly call Reg Center to query the user number of the message sender, upon receiving the response, General Keeper will pass the returned value of user number along with other input parameters to the General Meeting Minutes Keeper ("GMM Keeper"), and GMM Keeper will further call Register of Members to check whether the user is a member of the company. If the answer is yes, GMM Keeper will continue to execute the rest codes accordingly, otherwise, it will terminate the process and return an error message instead.

2. User Registration

Before using any write functions of ComBoox, users need to apply for a registration number first (only checking, query or conduct other read operations in ComBoox does not require registration). Then, RegCenter will assign a unique user number to the applicant as per its account address automatically.

After creating new book-entry system for a company, the creator may call "Create Corp Seal" API of General Keeper to register a specific user number for the company with Reg Center. Reg Center will then assign a user number to the address of the General Keeper, which represents the legal person of the company in ComBoox and can be used to send write commands to exercise rights on behalf of the company concerned. (If creating a new book-entry system by calling the "Create Comp" API of Reg Center, predefined scripts will automatically register a user number for the new company.)

3. Backup Key

To avoid losing the entire account only because of losing private key, ComBoox allows the registered users to set ONE additional account address as " Backup Key" (the account address used in registration process is deemed as "Prime Key"). However, to prevent the circumvention of some obligations such as "Lock-Up" or "First Refusal", the system does NOT allow to change the Backup Key or add more keys. Therefore, a user can only have a maximum of two keys, the "Prime Key" and "Backup Key". The address of "Backup key" can also be recognized by RegCenter as having the same user number as the "Prime Key". Any used account address cannot be used again to register user number or set backup key.

4. Permission for Query User Number

The query API of Reg Center for checking user number is only accessibly for the contract accounts already registered in ComBoox and the user's own account. This is to prevent the potential security risks that may be brought by the external contracts' access as much as possible.

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