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Checkpoints defines a mapping table consisting of a series of state check point objects to track and record the historic state of subscribed contribution, paid-in and clean paid-in contribution. This allows the system to retrospectively query the states of shareholders' voting rights at a specific time, satisfying the needs of complex decision-making processes.
The historic state sequence mainly consists of state check point objects, and their " number -> object" mapping table, in which the No.0 object is used as a counter, so the valid historic state starts with No.1 object.
The State Check Point consists of five attributes: timestamp, voting weight, subscribed contribution, paid-in contribution, and clean paid-in contribution.
Legal and Commercial Meaning
Check point timestamps. A 48-bit timestamps that can support millisecond precision.
Voting weight is a percentage. Each subscribed contribution share represents 100 times the total of voting rights. For example, "100" means per dollar of subscribed contribution represent one vote; "1800" means per dollar of subscribed contribution represent 18 vote.
The subscribed contribution amount, which may remain some contributed but unpaid contribution amount.
Paid-in contribution is the actually paid-in contribution amount.
Clean paid-in contribution amount, which is the amount without any encumbrances such as pledge and transfer.
The historic state sequence is the "order->object" mapping table of state check point objects, and its core value is to quickly query the closest state check point data at or before a specific time through compromise method.
The query API ideally describes the function and usage of the historic state sequence in the whole system, as described in the following table.
API Name
Function and Usage
Get the current value of the state check point counter.
Get the closest state check point objects.
Get the closest check point object at /or before a specific time.
Get the all historic state sequence including the counter and all state check points.