Access Control Contract
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Access control contract is a component smart contract for writing operation access control at the smart contract's level, and all smart contracts in the system inherit its members, attributes and methods. Based on the roles repo, the access control contract adds three special roles, namely, direct bookkeeper, register center and general bookkeeper, which provide identity verification and access control tools through a series of modifier interfaces to control specific writing operation functions at the contract level.
Specifically, the register contract directly applies access control contract modifiers that require a specific number of sub-bookkeeper to access specific writing instructions functions; while all writing instructions functions of sub-bookkeeper require that only the direct bookkeeper can access, and their direct bookkeepers are configured as general bookkeepers. This control method allows the system to strictly limit the routing of writing instructions within the system, ensuring that the commercial and legal arrangement can be strictly realized.
Members and Meaning of Access Control Contracts
Attorney Role group Name (bytes32).
Direct bookkeeper account address.
Register Contract API.
General bookkeeper contract API.
Only the owner defined in the roles repo can access.
Only the direct bookkeeper defined in the Roles Repo can access.
Only General Counsel (i.e. bookkeeper of the Attorney Role Group as defined in the roles repo) can access.
Only bookkeeper (Direct bookkeeper and Sub-bookkeeper registered in the general bookkeeper contract) can access.
Only members of the Attorney Role Group defined in the Roles Repo can access.
Only attorneys or bookkeepers can access.
Query the owner's account address.
Query the account address of the direct bookkeeper.
Query whether the state of contract is "finalized".
Query the bookkeeper account address with a specific role.
Query the account address with a specific role.